The North-West Ceramics Foundation is pleased to announce a talk sponsored in collaboration with Inform Interiors. Part of the Canadian Society of Decorative Arts 2023 Symposium to be held in Vancouver September 8-10, Collector’s Perspective: John David Lawrence in conversation with Daina Augaitis will feature an intimate discussion focussing on some of John’s most treasured pieces and the stories behind them. The talk will take place at Inform Interiors in Gas Town, 50 Water Street, Friday, September 8, 2023, at 6pm. A reception starting at 5:20 will precede the event. Attendance is free, but registration is required and space limited. Please see here or below to register.
A life-long collector of early and mid-20th century BC ceramics, John David Lawrence is the owner of Do Da Antiques in Vancouver. John has been a critical contributor to the BC Ceramics Mark Registry (BCCMR) supported by the NWCF and the Craft Council of BC. He has also provided expert advice and works from his own collection to a number of seminal craft exhibitions across Canada. Daina Augaitis is Chief Curator Emerita at the Vancouver Art Gallery, where she led the curatorial programs between 1997-2017. One of her last collaborative projects at the museum was Modern in the Making: Post-war Craft and Design in British Columbia, and it was during the research for this exhibition in 2018 that she was introduced to Mr. Lawrence’s outstanding collection of BC ceramics.
The CSDA has made an additional free talk available to the public. Artist and author Douglas Coupland will present the Marian Bradshaw Lecture Douglas Coupland-Accidental Career: Public Art on Friday, September 8, 2:45 pm, at Emily Carr University of Art + Design. For more information and to register, please see here.
To register for Collector’s Perspective: John Lawrence in conversation with Daina Augaitis, please see here.